Since 1998, Adelante’s interdisciplinary team of engineers, scientists, social scientists, financial and business specialists, and economic development analysts has helped its clients at every level of government and in the private sector to plan and execute their projects on time and within budget. Adelante has managed federally funded projects in New Mexico, with over 40 completed projects ranging in size from $10k to $2M. We have served a diverse set of clients including very large and complex entities such as Los Alamos National Laboratory and the State of New Mexico, municipalities, and small start-up technology companies.
Developed Pugo - Onsite Wastewater Treatment System
Location: Ongoing Demo in Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
Market: Residential
Notable: In March 2016, Pugo Systems attained National Sanitation Foundation/American National Standards Institute (NSF/ANSI) Standard 245 certification. U.S. Patent No. 10,196,291

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory & Reduction Plan
Client: Santa Fe County
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Market: Government
Services: Climate Services, Database Management
Notable: First county in New Mexico to complete emissions inventory

Carbon Credits from Compost
Client: Sandoval County
Location: Sandoval County, New Mexico
Market: Government
Services: Carbon Credit Analysis
Notable: Calculated emission reductions from the County’s landfill through in-vessel containerized composting. Sandoval County, located in central New Mexico, operates the NaturTech Composting System, an in-vessel composting operation at the Sandoval County, NM landfill. The composting operation uses diverted green and woody construction and demolition (C&D) waste that would otherwise be landfilled or left on the ground. Prior to operations the green and woody C&D waste was landfilled, and the horse manure was either landfilled or left on the ground to decompose. The system is capable of processing up to 50 tons of green waste every 21 days.
Mature compost is either sold to customers or used by the County in revegetation projects.
This composting operation is the only in-vessel composting installation of its kind within New Mexico.
The total estimated annual GHG reductions are approximately 559 metric tons CO2e on a 10 year cycle.
Notable: First urban composting carbon credit project in New Mexico

Database management, research, GIS, and regulatory compliance
Client: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Location: Los Alamos, New Mexico
Services: Development and continuous support and maintenance of the comprehensive database of >2500 contaminated sites (PRS) from 1998 to present.
Compliance reporting for the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as required under LANL’s Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement with EPA Region VI and for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System individual storm water discharge permit. 2005 to present.

Biomass Utilization
Client: New Mexico Energy Mining and Natural Resources Department
Location: Northern New Mexico
Market: Government
Services: Feasibility analysis of biochar projects including: wood supply assessment, market assessment, operations, product data, and emissions review, monitoring plan and reporting, and establishment of an inter-agency biomass working group.

Government Relations and Legislative Support
Client: New Mexico Environment Department
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Market: Government
Services: Providing technical and economic analysis for the department's development of legislation, rules, policies, and guidance related to the development of the Clean Fuel Standard Act. Also worked on legislation related to clean hydrogen.